Always Cherish…
To cherish something is to hold it dear to your heart. That means doing anything you can to protect it. Whether that is a cherished object or a loved one. We cherish the things that we love. At times we can find ourselves not cherishing the things that we love. Sometimes we may let life fly by and neglect important relationships. We may also find ourselves neglecting the things that we would normally pour our all into. This may cause us to feel remorse for not being better and doing more.
Sometimes we tend to neglect family the most. I have noticed this with many people. We spend a lot of quality time with family from ages 0-18, but when we get into adulthood that time slowly dwindles. It gets to a point where we have to be intentional and schedule family time. What I have noticed in the past year is when you are thinking of a family member you should probably reach out to them. If you are anything like me it can be a big challenge and semi-overwhelming sending that message or making that call. Our loved ones really appreciate it when they feel thought of by us.
Keeping up relationships with friends may be easier or harder than keeping up with family. Some friendships require a lot more effort than others. At times we may find ourselves being the ones holding the friendships together. We may be the ones that are always making the first call or sending the first text. That is the effort piece that it takes to keep a friendship afloat. Really, what we want is for someone to reciprocate that same effort to us. That back and forth effort, is the foundation of upholding a friendship.
We must make time for those close to us. Our significant others are the ones who will be there for us the most. That is why we must cherish them. My wife is there for me more than anyone else in the world and that is why I cherish her. She deserves it! I know that when everything is said and done my wife will be there for me. That is why we must do the small things to help our relationships flourish. Some things that I try to practice are patience, listening, and consideration. The small things are a display of the love I have for my wife. I want her to feel cared for and appreciated.
Cherishing life and those that fill us with life is hard. We owe it to ourselves to appreciate what we have. We must not become too caught up on what we do not have or what we should have. Life is about showing up and not expecting everyone else to do the hard part.